Monday, December 30, 2013

Limited Shopping

Poplar City shopping is limited.   There are two small grocery stores  Main Street and Tandys.  Expect to pay about a dollar more per item than in Wolfpoint.
Only for a real need do we give them business even though they are just half a block away.

Dining out also has little choice.  The Buckhorn isn't too bad.  We have gone there for lunch on Weds. for Senior.

Our only experience at the Overland wasn't pleasant.  We waited for a hour for a BLT sandwich which came served burnt on white bread, $6.00.  Elder Allsop's meal was better, but the wait was too much.  

Wolfpoint Shopping 

For most of our shopping we travel the 23 miles to Wolfpoint where there is one small Albertsons and a Alco.  Those two stores have been sufficient for our needs.

Of course we usually can't leave town without a stop at the Auto Parts and Hardware store for Elder Allsop.

The Best Gas Prices around seems to be at Exxon.

For dining McDonalds attracts the Elders especially after 3 hr. District Meetings on Thursdays when about a dozen Elders converge on them.

We've enjoyed a few meals at the Old Town Grill.  They offer American and Mexican American menu.

In December the Sunset about 4:00 pm  This was taken as we entered Billings on the way to Zone Conference.  Montana does have amazing sunsets.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Cub Scouts full of energy and enthusiasm

Give them a Basketball and Cub Scouts are happy.  We let them shoot a few for 10 mins. after arriving then they are ready to settle down and do some Cub Scouting.

A most exciting project was building their very own tool box.  Elder Allsop did lots of work to prepare, pricing lumber, picking it up, measuring and cutting it for each boy then helped them glue and nail the parts together.  

President Hollom comes every week.  He loves to help the boys and support us.

President Hollom helps his nephew Hudson, one of our Webelos.

We have asked this father to be our Cubmaster and he accepted.  Here he is helping his son one of our Wolves.  He's been very supportive coming each week to help his sons achieve.
In all four boys completed an 18 inch tool box.  They were very proud of them.

Thanksgiving with the Elders

L-R Sister Allsop, Elder Villjo, Elder Allsop, Elder McLaren, Elder Rodrick; Elder Faifutu; Elder Mamaes
These are the Elders we enjoyed Thanksgiving with in 2013.  We invited the Wolfpoint Elders Villejo (Philippine) and Elder Mamaes (Somalian)

Elders have fun too.  Notice the Turkey hat.

A full Thanksgiving meal was served in Poplar Branch Cultural Hall.  There were no complaints about our cooking.   Missionaries love food and a lot of it.

This is where the 4 Elders serving in Poplar live.  The blue blanket had to go.  So I retrieved drapes cast aside in the fallen down garage in their back yard, wash, bought drapery hooks and hung them.
They were thankful.  Now it doesn't look so much like a getto home.