Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Cleaning up the town, mowing and trash pick up

After hearing in May that the church would not be funding our plans to beautify the community by keeping large parks and other areas mowed, Elder Allsop found a discarded riding mower and after buying a battery, new starter and other parts got it running.  We are also allowed to use a mower owned by the tribe, but we have to use it only on tribal owned property.

Elder Steelman from Wolf Point helped get weed eaters operational that were given to us by the FM church man.

These machines were valuable as we went to Chicken Hill cemetery located about 4 miles west of Wolf Point to mow and clean it up.

 From the before pictures you can tell that it had been a long time since the cemetery had had any care.

Chicken Hill is a church historical area.  Melvin J. Ballard while serving as Area President had a vision there where he saw Christ and he also made prophesies which included a temple would some day stand there.

There are many church member buried there, but no one seems to be assigned to care for the cemetery.

With the help of Elder and Sister Steelman, the Wolf Point Elders Frost and Fuifatu and a branch member Bro. Pilgrim, it was 3 hours well spent using a mower and 3 weed eaters.

On another day we went back with a riding mower and cut the larger areas.  The green foliage was coming through and the cemetery looked so much better.

Those pictures Elder Fuifatu, Bro Pilgrim, Elder Frost, the Steelmans and the Allsops.

We feel the cemetery should have some kind of memorial or plaque erected to commemorate its significance.

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